For Nestle, ideas on packaging came from analogies about cell phone services and airline seat size strategy!
For Project Concern Intl, ideas on training came from analogies about oral history, and poison control messaging!
For the Avanti Group Inc, ideas on new markets came from financial service offerings and a rock and roll movie!
When we create your Breakthrough idea we can nurture it to fruition with a little help from our friends.
If our idea is physical, we have a friend at:
If our idea is digital, we have a friend at:

It is called Idea Extraction Service because the breakthrough ideas we will find reside in the collective experience of your people. Contact me to run a Catalytic Thinking session and we will tap into the diverse experiences of your team. Once we find that intersection of two previously unconnected trains of thought, then we unleash the creative power of your people, and can move your project in a whole new breakthrough direction.
Yes, it would be great if together we create a new breakthrough product or service…but I hope this offer gets me involved in a specific project. If you are working on a cure for ALS or Brain Cancer, I would be honored to work with you. I have dear friends whose wonderful families have been touched by these diseases. To read how I dedicate my book to them, click here >>